Strijp-S goes inbound: January 17th 2017

If one of your new year resolutions as a Strijp-S resident is to smarten up your B2B marketing, here is an opportunity not to miss. Tuesday January 17th 2017 from 17.30 to 19.00h, CET-x will host a masterclass on inbound marketing & sales in B2B at Strijp-S videolab, Torenallee 20 in Eindhoven. Digital strategist, entrepreneur and author Paul Hassels Mönning is to run this exclusive session and share his experiences and best practices.



Photo credit: Kelly alias dutchieontheroad


Selling becomes helping to buy
Valuable content and social media can help to attract and inspire today’s buyer (or new employee for that matter). Selling increasingly becomes ‘helping to buy’. Offline and indeed more and more online.

Inbound marketing & sales is all about attracting the right prospects and turning them into enthusiastic customers for your products, services and brand. Inbound is all about the right magnetic ‘pull’ through valuable answers and content rather than pushing your message across all over the place through cold calling, billboards or ‘pray & spray’ email shots. Inbound is also about shifting from marketing and selling based on gut feeling to developing your business based on facts and data insights.

Inbound Marketing & time commitment


First come first served attendance
Do you want to seriously leverage the opportunities in inbound marketing and sales for your start-up or scale-up in B2B? Apply for a seat in this CET-x masterclass on Tuesday January 17th from 17.30 to 19.00h. 


Humberto Paul smile


The masterclass is run by digital strategist, trainer and author Paul Hassels Monning and takes place at Strijp S in Eindhoven. Attendance is free of charge and limited to an audience of 40 people. Do you want to benefit from this masterclass, reserve your seat now.

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