In his book the Sales Acceleration Formula Mark Roberge shares his equally unconventional and impactful vision on B2B sales as a discipline. That vision is threefold: he wants salesprofessionals, CXOs and entrepreneurs first of all to realize that sales can be data-driven and predictable. Secondly he stresses the need for sales discipline to radically change. And thirdly, the perception of sales should and will improve as a result. As the Chief Revenue Officer at HubSpot, Mark Roberge depicts five formulas in modern B2B sales that better enable B2B companies to realize growth. Delivered in an accessible style, this book also paints the story of SaaS-pioneer HubSpot in inbound marketing and sales: the Boston-based firm grew from $0 to $100 million in revenue under Roberge’s leadership. 

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Joseph Jaffe – well-known since his book Flip the Funnel came out – was one of the keynote speakers at this year’s edition of B2B Marketing Forum. Of course he shared his insights on the ‘flipped funnel’, but also on real customer centricity, customers that show their brand love via tattoos, Jaffe’s personal definition of a successful book and lots more.

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In B2B, traditional marketing and sales are no longer effective. What do you mean, that’s too bold a statement?

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Defining the perfect leads in business-to-business is has a lot in common with arranging the ideal blind date. Does she live up to to your company’s expectations? Does he have similar interests, or will the conversation fall flat? Is she even ‘available’ or ‘on the market’? Will there be any mutual sparks?

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Stop, think, act. This key motto from my very first scuba lessons in Australia kept resonating in my head, a few years ago off the Costa Rica’s west coast. My dive buddy, a german underwater cameraman sporting mega fins and an even larger ego, had disappeared. The strong current made it impossible for me to follow him. And he was too busy do his own thing to notice. Unfortunately I happened to be at 25 meters depth.

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