From the outside various players in the same B2B industry look very similar. The logistic products and services from the likes of TNT, UPS and PostNL for instance. DHL decided it was time for a different approach.

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In B2B, traditional marketing and sales are no longer effective. What do you mean, that’s too bold a statement?

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Defining the perfect leads in business-to-business is has a lot in common with arranging the ideal blind date. Does she live up to to your company’s expectations? Does he have similar interests, or will the conversation fall flat? Is she even ‘available’ or ‘on the market’? Will there be any mutual sparks?

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Stop, think, act. This key motto from my very first scuba lessons in Australia kept resonating in my head, a few years ago off the Costa Rica’s west coast. My dive buddy, a german underwater cameraman sporting mega fins and an even larger ego, had disappeared. The strong current made it impossible for me to follow him. And he was too busy do his own thing to notice. Unfortunately I happened to be at 25 meters depth.

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“People do not fully grasp or get the internet”, says Pim van der Feltz (managing director Google Benelux) in the June edition of Emerce magazine. The internet continues to develop at a rapid pace. Looking back and comparing the internet ‘then and now’ is interesting. Developing some understanding as to how the internet may evolve is even more interesting. This provides a basis for understanding as to how business-to-business companies can better reap the opportunities that occur in the digital channel as a results of the evolving internet.   Read more