LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Social Selling en social media marketing leveren veel op in B2B: meer bekendheid, betere inzichten en ook leads. Wat is Social Selling nu eigenlijk? En: Hoe belangrijk is Social Selling? En hoe zit het met Social Selling in B2B? In dit artikel beantwoord ik de 10 meest gestelde vragen over Social Selling. Ook geef ik je praktische tips om met social meer te gaan verkopen. Inclusief voorbeelden.


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SSI social selling index

21 tips to boost your Social Selling Index (SSI) LinkedIn is the go to social platform in B2B. With the ever increasing scale of this network the probability goes up to drown in the countless updates on your LinkedIn timeline. How do you ensure to use LinkedIn effectively? The Social Selling Index offers help.

Successful campaigns often are driven by chance and luck rather than science. Most marketers and sales professionals prefer to work from the gut – and their ‘professional instinct – rather than the brain or thru facts. In a world that’s becoming more and more content-inundated, standing out from the clutter and making that right, emotional connection is more imperative than ever before. This applies in business-to-business marketing as well. How can we in B2B get our content best shared by striking the right emotional chord?

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An excellent customer experience lays the foundation for higher conversion rates and healthier revenue.

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